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The third Sunday of Advent

(17th December) is called ‘Gaudete Sunday.’ ‘Gaudete’ is a Latin word for ‘rejoice.’ It is the day when we lit the rose advent candle on the wreath. Idea for the week: share moments that bring you JOY and spread happiness to others.


Advent is a time of hope, a time when in our hearts, in humility, the memory of the Lord's first coming is renewed, and the desire for Christ's return in glory and splendour is rekindled. We are preparing to commemorate Christmas, the beginning of the Lord's coming: we remember His Incarnation, Birth, and His dwelling on our Earth. However, Jesus has never left us; He remains with us in various ways until the end of time. For this reason, as Pope Francis said, 'with Jesus Christ, joy is always born and reborn!”


Bollington CAFOD Fun Run

starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023. The fun begins at the Middlewood Way near St Gregory’s Parish Hall. Online registration is available, and you can pick up your running numbers at the Parish Hall from 10:00 a.m. For those who prefer on-the-day registration, it will be available in the Parish Hall. To secure your spot, please visit and click "Sign up now." Additionally, there is an option for a virtual 5K if you cannot join in person this year. Help us make a difference by participating and consider raising sponsorship from friends and family.


Hope Central Charity Vacancy

They have a part-time vacancy for a Debt Coach, up to 16 hours per week (flexible). Their Debt Centre has seen so much growth, they are recruiting a Debt Coach to work alongside Barney, their Debt Centre Manager, and so they keep their waiting lists down and see people in a timely way. If you are passionate about helping people achieve financial freedom, please apply or share this opportunity with someone you know. Training will be provided by Christians Against Poverty. Closing date: Friday 12th January at noon. For details, contact us at


Pope Francis on Twitter

“Love makes us happy not only in heaven but also here on earth. If we want to be truly happy, then let us learn to transform everything into love, offering to others our work and our time, speaking kindly words and doing good deeds. We can all do it!”


For Families

Advent candles typically come in four colours, and they are lit on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. They are a beautiful way to count down to Christmas and reflect on the special meanings they carry. What are the four colours of the Advent and what is their meaning?






St. Benedict's RC Church

St. Benedict's RC Church, Hall Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, CHESHIRE. SK9 3AD. 

Parish Priest: Fr Tony McGrath assisted by Deacon Thomas Chrisp.
Retired Priest: Fr William O’Riordan
Part of Shrewsbury RC Diocese, a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 234025

St. Benedict's RC Church.  Proudly created with 2019

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