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St Benedict's News



Carol Service

Many thanks to Christine Connolly and Mrs McBride for organising our parish and school carol service. It was wonderful to see many families present and to share refreshments afterwards.


Peter Turner RIP

The requiem Mass for Peter Turner will be at St Benedict's on Tuesday 2nd January at 12noon. May Peter rest in peace and may his family find consolation at this time.


St Benedict's Primary School

On 19th December at 2 pm, parishioners are very welcome to come to St Benedict's Primary School for an hour of carols and cakes. If you would like to come along, please call 01625520207 to confirm.  We hope you will join us to listen to the children sing and for some festive cheer! 


Christmas collection

this year will go to Hope Central based in Handforth. From their website: ‘We understand that there are many, often complex, reasons why people end up in poverty including loss of employment, bereavement, illness, benefit issues, relationship breakdown and addictions. Here at Hope Central we want to support you out of poverty and believe that one, or more, of our services will be of use to you.’ For more information, see



Collections are in the car park between 10 am and 11 am each Saturday. Current priorities include tuna, squash, Christmas food, biscuits, toilet rolls, coffee, tinned meat, long-life milk, marmalade, eggs, and cordial and savoury snacks. The foodbank is open during weekdays from 11.00 am - 12.00 pm (side door at St. Chad's). Thank you for making a difference!


The Offertory Collection

The Sunday collection on 10/12/23 totalled £513.34.

Annual retiring collections: Caritas Diocese of Shrewsbury £350. Clergy Education and Training Fund £400. Thank you for your generosity and care!










St. Benedict's RC Church

St. Benedict's RC Church, Hall Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, CHESHIRE. SK9 3AD. 

Parish Priest: Fr Tony McGrath assisted by Deacon Thomas Chrisp.
Retired Priest: Fr William O’Riordan
Part of Shrewsbury RC Diocese, a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 234025

St. Benedict's RC Church.  Proudly created with 2019

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