Contacting St Benedict’s
If you require assistance from a member of the clergy, please speak to them before or after Mass:
The Parish Priest, Fr Tony is generally available before or after Mass on Thursdays and after the 5.30pm Mass on Sundays.
Fr O’Riordan, retired from administrating parishes but is very much active in ministry. He is generally available after Masses on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday.
The Parish Deacon Tom is generally available after the 10am Sunday Mass and can deal with all baptism requests.
There is also a list on our Parish noticeboards with contacts for people who hold responsibility for the various areas of Parish life.
Here are some key contacts:
Deacon Thomas Chrisp 07925 072270
Safeguarding – Tracey Patten 01625 252108
S.V.P Society - 07749 453776
St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School - 01625 520207
Please only call the Parish number if you are housebound or unable to visit the Parish to speak with someone face to face. The Parish phone number is 07856 992101 and office hours are Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 2pm.
For the Sacrament of Reconciliation
on request after the 5.30pm Sunday Mass
For the Sacrament of Baptism
please see Deacon Tom
For the Sacrament of Matrimony
please see Fr Tony at least six months before the wedding date
please leave a note in the sacristy with your contact details on
Thank you