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OK......‘Mini Vinnies’ is a St Vincent de Paul Group in a Primary School, in this case...

St. Benedict's RC School, Handforth! YEAH!!
We are a group of young people who get together, organise and talk about helping others in need within our school community and beyond.


So, What makes Mini Vinnies such a valuable experience for the children who are part of it? Easy... it's the change it makes in our school and our community.


Our Mini Vinnies' group meet once a fortnight during lunchtime and are
looked after by the lovely Miss Almond our school Teaching Assistant.


Right then!...….what happens at a Mini Vinnies’ meeting?


 I'll tell you that too.....A ‘President’ is elected by the Mini Vinnies to lead the meeting and organise the group. Miss Almond will co-ordinate the group and give us all the help and advice we need. Meetings are as brief as possible, so we don't miss our important lessons.

The President opens the meeting with a prayer. A short spiritual reading/reflection/piece of music/meditation follows.

Our Group members usually take turns doing this. We  then talk about the Mini Vinnies’ activities we have done since the previous meeting and after discuss any future plans. Our President concludes the meeting with a prayer.


Here's Our Mini Vinnies' Pledge


As a member of Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference in my world by:
Caring for, respecting and loving myself.
Strengthening my friendship with Jesus by talking to him each
day and talking to others about him.
Caring for others in my school and community by being
a friend to those who are alone, in need or in trouble.
Making my family happy by my help, respect and showing
kindness and consideration.
Caring for and enjoying God's world.
Treating others the way I would like them to
treat me.


 and our special prayer is,


Lord, Thank you for our gifts and talents.
Lord, Show us who needs our help.
Lord, Use our hands to help those who are hungry.
Lord, Open our hearts to love and comfort those
who are sad and lonely.
Lord, Let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need.
Lord, Help us to care for the sick.
Lord, May we all help and support each other as
Mini Vinnies to build a better world.


….We even have our own Mini Vinnies' song.

Click HERE and have a listen






Please click on THIS LINK for more information   

Mini Vinnies.png

St. Benedict's RC Church

St. Benedict's RC Church, Hall Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, CHESHIRE. SK9 3AD. 

Parish Priest: Fr Tony McGrath assisted by Deacon Thomas Chrisp.
Retired Priest: Fr William O’Riordan
Part of Shrewsbury RC Diocese, a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 234025

St. Benedict's RC Church.  Proudly created with 2019

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